Welcome to Zodumo's Portfolio

Your one-stop shop to my tech journey so far

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About Me

I'm a London based Backend Engineer and aspiring Fullstack Developer.I made the career switch from admin into tech in 2020 and since then I have completed the CFGDegree and started full time employment as a software engineer. I am currently completing a frontend bootcamp to gain the necessary skills to become a well-rounded Fullstack developer. To find out more or to get intouch with me, please see contact details below!

    Current Skill-Set

    • 🐍Python

    • Java

    • 🐬SQL

Incoming Skills

  • Javascript

  • React

  • Node.js

  • </>HTML

  • #️⃣CSS


screenshot of horiseon webpage
Horiseon WebPage

This is a deployed webpage for Horiseon. It was built with HTML and CSS

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screenshot of Jake's Eatery website
Jake's Eatery website

This is a website for Jake's Eatery restaurant built using HTML and CSS.

screenshot of signup page for filmnow application
FilNow Full-Stack Movie Recommendation Application

This is a full stack movie recommendation application built using python, html, css, mysql and an open source API.

screenshot of css cheat sheet
CSS Cheat Sheet

This is a css cheat sheet built using html and css

Contact Me